What is the Chinese battle cry? The most popular battle cry is “Ei ei oh” (エイエイオー), which is usually used at the start of battle. Is this graBffiti an allusion to the current epic battle: “Who is going to be the LORD of masses – YOU – in XXI century?” Maybe? Maybe not. It’s up to – you. What about a Chinese lady, a fierce Climate Change Believer, who is literally (!!) enLIGHTening her neighbor, an un-social Climate Change denier? Or what about … China again ‘borrowing’ some advanced US technology. Here, the Flamethrower from not-so-Boring Company own by Elon Musk the nutty trillionaire often flame throwing on Social Media – so the Real Media has something to cry about.
0128_SINoLESS FlameThrower not Elon’s Flamethrower used as China War Cry エイエイオ