List and Links to “enhanced” graBffiti posted on Social Media

- 0001_Prince George starts a start-up
- 0002_I Can’t Breathe but We can
- 0003_China massive corruption case exposed
- 0004_John Boehner offers Barack Obama NewNew Deal
- 0005_God have just asked John to save Her creation
- 0006_Obama Imperial Waltz
- 0007_Prophetical cut? Charlie Hebdo Digital Memorial by graBffiti.
- 0008_Charlie Chaplin named UN fugitive
- 0009_Hollande says .. pedophiles
- 0010_Quo Vadis la Republic
- 0011_Pope Francis scores a knockout
- 0012_pe Not a Rabbi
- 0013_I’m sellin’ diary
- 0014_Military Junta Censors Santa Claus
- 0015_FlowerPower by Barack Obama
- 0016_Vlad Putin – The Ultimate aX-Man
- 0017_Suicide fox bomber in London
- 0018_EarthWorm
- 0019_His name was 33
- 0020_What Climate Change?
- 0022_the Recovery is coming THEY say
- 0030_the Royal Faux Poo
- 0091_Pale-Rider
- 0108_War What Is It For? Good Question!
- 0117_Rus Virus Detected by graBffiti and Kaspersky Lab
- 0122_AstraZeneca will kill virus long before it will kill you
- 0123_Belarus Lukashenko hires two royal guards
- 0124_Belarus Lukashenko is THE Surface pro Master
- 0125_UN Security Council asks Arabs and Jews to switch to paintball
- 0126_Frontex has no clue what’s FrontNext argues graBffiti
- 0127_COaLGATE Total ! Use it to stop coal made climate change
- 0128_SINoLESS FlameThrower not Elon’s Flamethrower
- 0129_Make Love, Not Emissions
- 0130_INflation simply explained
- 0131_Odd Numbers? Even Numbers? Confused?
- 0132_Herd Mentality is behind Social Media addiction
- 0134_Covid Catch up Game
- 0138_Covid PanDemonic
- 0139_Germany’s New Christmas 2021 NutCrackers
- 0140_Boxing Match of the 21st Century
- 0141_World’s Top Nutcrackers
- 0142_Covid Virus is a hOaX
- 0143_graBffiti Chart for 2022 BoldNess
- 0144_Tiananmen Square image that Is NOT shocking
- 0145_Happy New 2022 _ Year of Tiger
- 0148_Ukraine crisis?!

In the past, time allowed, our gNation was turning some graBffiti into tiny movies with sound and motion. Our artists were hoping to get some small change $$$ in exchange for their time invested into this production. It never happened but hope is the bread most artist eat. And then, YouTube and others fished out all small fish – that was not gold fish – to have them take a deep breath of air. End of the story.

0001_Prince George starts a start-up
breaking news – His Royal Highness prince George of Cambridge starts a start-up
0002_I can’t Breathe
Breathless but never speechless
0003_China new massive corruption case exposed
Breaking #news – #China new massive corruption case exposed again
0004_John Boehner offers Democrats NewNew Deal
Barking News! USA Congress offers Democrats the NewNew Deal
0005_God asks John Kerry
Braking News – God have just asked John Kerry to save Her creation.
0006_Obama Imperial Waltztz
India and US seal nuclear deal as Modi hosts Obama
0007_Prophetical cut? Charlie Hebdo Digital Memorial
Our tears will dry sooner or later – sorry #CharlieHebdo
0008_Charlie Chaplin named UN fugitive
The ghost of Charlie Chaplin in hiding from mob of THE guiltless
0009_Hollande says .. pedophiles
Bragging News – Francois Hollande’s France in swift march toward recovery — Bragging Nouvelles ! France en mars rapidement vers la reprise.
0010_Quo Vadis la Republic
Where are you heading La Republic?
0011_Pope Francis scores a knockout
Pope Francis joins Vatican Boxing Club & scores first knockout be #blessedbythepope
0012_pe Not a Rabbi
Pope Francis asks his flock “Not To Bread Like a Rabbi” – #blessedbythepope
0013_I’m sellin’ diary
I am sellin’ diary product U dummy
0014_Military Junta Censors Santa Claus
Thailand military junta censors kid’s entertainment
0015_FlowerPower by Barack Obama
Color revolutions fashionable these days but.. there’s still Power in a Flower
0016_Vlad Putin – The Ultimate aX-Man
Hollywood to cast Vladimir Putin in the next sequel of aX-Man: the Ultimate
0017_Suicide fox bomber in London
Despite tight security a suicide bomber sneaks close to British PM home
when soccer becomes sucker
0019_His name was 33
and His name was #33 and is #44 Our name
0020_What Climate Change?
Did you just ask graBffiti : What climate change?
0022_the Recovery is coming THEY say
Big News ! It’s for sure ! the Recovery is coming ! Says the Wall Street.
0030_the Royal Faux Poo
Royal faux poo just happened – leaked by royal chronicler graBffiti
Vlad Putin of Russia & Straw Hat of China in “Pale Rider 2”
0108_War What Is It For? Good Question!
WAR!? We’ve asked our community – here are some answers.
0117_Rus Virus Detected by graBffiti and Kaspersky Lab
The Bad News: Cybercrime is a booming business. The Good News !
0122_AstraZeneca will kill virus long before it will kill you – says AntigraBffiti
Vaccine kills! Vaccine kills? “Thanks” to Social Media this is what happens.
0123_Belarus Lukashenko hires two royal guards
the Queen loans two of her Buckingham Palace landmarks to a despot.
0124_Belarus Lukashenko is THE Surface pro Master
Is that Microsoft Surface Pro? Yes, but focus on software, not hardware.
0125_UN Security Council asks Arabs and Jews to switch to paintball
Wanna solve unsolvable war between Israel and Hamas ? Easy. Paintball!
0126_Frontex has no clue what’s FrontNext argues graBffiti
Frontex has no clue what’s FrontNext argues graBffiti in re. to EU refugee politics
0127_COaLGATE Total ! Use it to stop coal made climate change
Yes! See Yourself. COaLGATE graBffiti add does not lie.
0128_SINoLESS FlameThrower not Elon’s Flamethrower
SINoLESS FlameThrower not Elon’s Flamethrower used as China War Cry エイエイオ
0129_Make Love, Not Emissions
Make Love, Not Emissions. graBffiti calls to uproot beans to stop climate change.
0130_INflation simply explained
INflation simply explained by China National Bank in Bejing
0131_Odd Numbers? Even Numbers? Confused?
Odd Numbers? Even Numbers? Confused? Ask graBffiti for visual tips.
0132_Herd Mentality is behind Social Media addiction
Herd Mentality is behind Social Media addiction, so is its MetaPhisto ZuckerBerg
0134_Covid Catch up Game
Covid Catch up Game = Omicron > Delta > Alpha > Beta > Gamma > Mu > Lambda > etc
0138_Covid PanDemonic
Covid PanDemonic : vacinnes, anti-waxxers, nomask, etc.
0139_Germany’s New Christmas 2021 NutCrackers
Germany’s New Christmas 2021 NutCrackers – from L to R – A. O. & Ch.
0140_Boxing Match of the 21st Century
Boxing Match of the 21st Century – Jeo B. v. Vlad P.
0141 _ World’s Top Nutcrackers’ Stand-Off
What’s up for 2022? This is graBffiti list based on Nostradamus prophecy.
0142_Covid Virus is a hOaX !
Shrek is not OX, he is Don Key of La Mancha, a clever Spaniard.
0143_graBffiti Chart for 2022 BoldNess
graBffiti Chart for 2022 BoldNess _ Biden, Putin, Schmidt, Ayatollah
0144_Tiananmen Square image that Is NOT shocking
Tiananmen Square image that Is NOT shocking the (capitalist) world any more
0145_Happy New 2022 _ Year of Tiger
Happy New 2022 _ Year of Tiger – Tiger will devour Western Democracy
0148_Ukraine crisis?!
Ukraine crisis?! Putin says Macron made ‘realistic’ proposal toward de-escalating the standoff.

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