graBffiti just learned that Elon Musk reveals on @nbcsnl he has green Asparagus syndrome to soothing tunes of @mileycyrus good job at the US TV show Saturday Night Live. This is not another Social Media conspiracy theory, we @graBffiti just want to disappoint you. Elon also addressed his controversial tweets and plugged Dogecoin. So do your investment right now. DO! Because SpaceX stocks will skyrocket. Tesla socks will go 15% up too. ‘Socks’? It is not a typo. Sure, you will get Tesla brand socks when purchasing a Tesla car, but YOU have to pay for both. So feed your piggy bank right now. Elon may be ‘good’ capitalist but still he is ‘the’ capitalist. Actually, he is an outstandingly good capitalist.
0118_Elon’s Green Asapragus Syndrome as reported by graBffiti