0058_Just-In True-Dough on the Moon

graBffiti Satire about Justin Trudeau new word peoplekind to replace word mankind

The boss of Canada Justin Trudeau Rocks! His meme is the newest addition to graBffiti’s collection of moon rocks. Yes, he was dead serious when attempting to inject verbal vaccine in our brains – “peoplekind” – to replace our use of a politically incorrect word “humankind“. But people were kind, did not beat shit of him, just we had a good laugh.

post scriptum unus:

For the sake of peace, it was officially classified as “Canada Prime Minister’s peculiar sense of humour“. The nature of bread dough is plasticity after all.

post scriptum duo:

If this Orwell’s book had illustrations this smiling face would be the Big Brother’s face – Quo Vadis #peoplekind ?


Did We make U or even ? Do you mind to:


” Laughing We Unite > United We Laugh ” (BoWe_1968)