Our gRatitudes

this page bestows thanks and supplies links to:

  • creators of plugins we use
  • creators of images we use as the “base” for graBffiti
  • the Creator of the clear sky view at night
  • our Fate for  … who knows for what
  • the Grim Reaper for his-?-her sense of humor
  • and more


With all respect for all creators mentioned above – please realize that we earn nothing from our work – for the last 15 years we have earned $0 for plenitude of time-consuming content (+/- 2015 hr) that we have placed on WWW – so to keep in balance, we can only offer you back $0 and our gratitude.


All creators whose work was used as the “base” of graBffiti art – THANK YOU !

same to

The COMMUNITY of WordPress.org 

Media Library Assistant – UpdraftPlus – WordfenceDuplicatorClassic Editor

end of page

Do WE make U or even ? Do you mind to:


” Laughing We Unite > United We Laugh ” (BoWe_1968)