0041_the Stairway to CCP Temple of Heaven

grabffiti Satirical picture showing bamboo ladder connecting speakers at 19th Congress of CCP to Temple of Heaven.

Even if they are made of bamboo, all ladders are about ascending to – the Temple of – Heaven

The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China directed China to march quickly toward future. The future of prosperity equal or even surpassing the one enjoined today by the western democracies.

Grabffiti placed one satirical addition into the original REUTERS/Aly SongSo photograph. It is a ladder. Ladder in general implies ascending stages by which somebody or something can progress. Just to remain “culturally sensitive”, grabffiti’s ladder is made of bamboo. It leads from the Great Hall of the People to the Temple of Heaven, both in Beijing.


Did We make U or even ? Do you mind to:


” Laughing We Unite > United We Laugh ” (BoWe_1968)