Nov. 2221 – Braking News – Charles Barron Statue in NY City Hall was DESTROYED. The thousand strong crowd of humans, cyborgs, and enhanced-robots forced the AI of NY City Hall to destroy the statue of Charles Barron after the disclosure of old social media data indicating that Ch.B. – a former Mayor of NY City – was consuming other sentient beings (called ‘pork’, ‘beef, etc. during those humanity shameful times). Ironically, two hundreds years ago this same person was asking (quote from 2021/nov/23/New York Times): “It [statue of Thomas Jefferson] should be destroyed. A statue should be for those who we honor for their exemplary service and duty to all of this country, not just the white race.” We, the race of underdogs, dare to disagree.
0136_Charles Barron was ‘cancelled’ by graBffiti because he eats sentient beings (meat)