0133_Vicious Circle of Slavery can’t be stopped according to grabffiti

Vicious Circle of Slavery can't be stopped according to grabffiti

Sugar Kills! You have been warned! Here, a slime statue of ‘bad’ person lies on the grounds of some University – a millennial institution created by civilized societies, so people could ‘seek truth together’. By conversation originally. But times do change, don’t they. In a vicious circle of slavery, this monument of shame was toppled by a not-so-slim ‘good’ person acting on the grounds of righteousness. All that, grabffiti says, because of a vicious circle of slavery: slave > slave owner > sugar plantation > sugar > capitalist > junk-food factory > sugar addict > slave. Yes, each distinct historical period had its own type of slavery…. (see next day on CBC … Cancel graBffiti!!!)


Did We make U or even ? Do you mind to:


” Laughing We Unite > United We Laugh ” (BoWe_1968)