0044_Jiang Zemin’s Long Yawn and Mao Zedong’s Long March

Satirical graffiti picturing the bored, yawning Jiang Zemin at the 19th Congress of China's ruling CPC contrasted with the famous picture of Long March

Jiang Zemin’s Long Yawn confirms how far CCP of today have walked away from the Mao Zedong’s vision of China. The vision he had made during his epic Long March almost a century ago.

In 2017, CCP, the party of – here is your choice – capitalistic communists or communistic capitalists gathered for their 19th Congress. There, certain Mr. Jiang Zemin, because of rather advanced age combined with boredom, was constantly fighting with falling asleep. He was using the nature own tool of yawning.

One of his long and wide yawns was immortalized by a photographer. Grabffiti contrasted this famous photograph with even more famous one. The striking picture of the epic CCP Long March almost a century before. Kind of sad satire for the far-left Earthlings because it tells how far the CCP walked away from the ideas of it’s founder Mao Zedong.


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” Laughing We Unite > United We Laugh ” (BoWe_1968)