0101_Alles ist möglich – Everything is possible – Annalena Baerbock levitate an apple.

But what about levitating a sliced apple? - asks grabffiti

Sure, you say. David Copperfield (American!) can easily levitate an apple above his palms. But what about a sliced apple? – Hire graBffiti. After all “Deutschland, deutschland über alles” as the song goes. So, yes, it is possible here because “Everything is possible” and Annalena Baerbock of Grüne demonstartes to all Germans that “Alles ist möglich”. Even Eulenspiegel could not see her ‘komisch’ [ do not mix with kommunistisch]. After all “Deutschland, deutschland über alles” as the song goes.


Did We make U or even ? Do you mind to:


” Laughing We Unite > United We Laugh ” (BoWe_1968)